Gombin Rabbi and Mayor during the Gombin Marker unveiling ceremony on June 9th, 2021 in Gąbin, Poland. Photo credit to Michal Sroka.
Gombiners, whether you missed the unveiling of the memorial in Gabin last week, or want to see the highlights again, please join us for a zoom presentation and discussions with our friends in Poland- Wojtek Wasilewski, Michal Sroka, and Karen Forth.
This is our chance to learn how they created the marker, implemented this spectacular event, and navigated the complexities. We can honor their many contributions to the Gombin Jewish community, worldwide.
PLEASE JOIN US Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 11am Pacific, 2pm New York, 7pm London, 8pm Warsaw, 9pm Tel Aviv
Zoom information to come. Please RSVP by contacting secretary@gombinsociety.org.
The unveiling ceremony was featured in an article from the Nasz Gabin website: “Żyjemy nadal- odsłonięcie Tablicy Pamięci Społeczności Żydowskiej Gąbina” (English: “We go on living- the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the Jewish community of Gąbin “)
Click here to read the original Polish version of the article and view the photo collection.
Click here to read the article translated to English.
Click here to watch the full live-streamed event on YouTube.