Virtual Gombin #13: February 26, 2023: DNA and Family History – Michael Shade

Michael Shade is a British genealogist and a member of the Gombin Society Board.  He has contributed extensively to genealogical research related to his family from Gombin and elsewhere in Poland and Belarus, and has spoken at Conferences of the International Associaltion of Jewish Genealogical Societies. See some of his presentations and posts at:   . His Gombin ancestors include: Frankensztajn, Zegelman, Szczawinski and Chern, and the wider family takes in Wandt, Florkiewicz, Rajn, Boll, Szwarc, Manczyk, Wyrobek, Zochlinsky, Hodys, and many more.  A version of this presentation was previously given at the 2022 Gombin Society Annual Members Meeting.   

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