July 08, 2007
My name is Bernard Guyer. At the time of this writing, I am living in Baltimore Maryland and am 64 years old. My father was Sydney B. Guyer (Simcha Chaja, from Sanniki, a village outside of Gabin); 1904-1980. My mother was Anna (ne: Rissman) Guyer (Chana Ryzman, from Gabin); 1905-2004.
My family has rich connections to Gabin. These I want to document on this family web-page; I hope to add more material to these pages over the next few years. I’m also hoping that my sisters, cousins, children, and nephews and nieces will be willing to add their own perspectives and histories to these pages.
The Matzevah of Pinchus Chaja (1999).
This story of the discovery of the matzevah (head stone) of my older brother, Pinchus Chaja, tells the single most intimate and powerful story of my immediate family. The story spans my parents’ marriage in Gabin in 1929, the births of their first two children- Pinchus (1930) and Evelyn (1932), the migration of my parents to Uruguay and ultimately the U.S., and the destruction of the remaining Rissman family, including my maternal grandfather, Manele Ryzman, at the hands of the Nazis in 1942.
Rissman (Ryzman) family:
With the help of my second cousins, Arrthur Gertzman and Phil Ball, I hope to write more here about our family that descended from Pinchus Rissman (1844-1907). We know that his father was named Moshe Ryzman.
I’m attaching three files: A remembrance of my mother, Anna Guyer (From the B’nai Gombin Newsletter, 2004), a poem written about Anna by one of her grandchildren that summed up the relationship of the grandchildren to their grandmother, and a Rissman family memorial page from the Gombin Yizkor Book (1969).
Guyer (Chaja) family:
With the help of some other cousins I hope to add to this section. Most of my cousins on this side of the family live in Uruguay or Israel.