Virtual Gombin #2: Gombin and Poland in the 1920s and 30s

Anita Greenbaum-Brush Presents: “Hope, Change and Loss; Gombin and Poland during the 20s and 30s”

Anita will use historic photographs, documents and memoires to introduce us to the life of the Jewish community in Gombin during a vibrant period of cultural, religious, and economic life.
This period was known as Poland’s 2nd Republic between the end of World War I and the Nazi invasion. Many of our families’ memories and stories come from this period.

Sources for : Poland and Gombin during the Interwar Years

  • Dobroszycki, L., & Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, B., Image Before My Eyes; A Photographic History of Jewish Life in Poland, 1864-1939, Schocken Books, 1977
  • Karczewska, Magdalena; The Jewish Community of Gąbin 1918-1945, Master’s Thesis, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun 2004
  • Kassow, Samuel, Who Will Write our History; Rediscovering a Hidden Archive from the Warsaw Ghetto, Vintage Publishing 2009
  • Shandler, Jeffrey edt., Awakening Lives: Autobiographies of Jewish Youth in Poland before the Holocaust, YIVO and Yale University Press, 2002
  • Steinlauf, Michael, ‘Jewish Politics and Youth Culture in Interwar Poland,: Preliminary Evidence from the YIVO Autobiographies’ in The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics in Eastern Europe, edt. Zvi Gitelman, University of Pittsburg Press, 2003
  • Zicklin, J. et al.,Gombin; The Life and Destruction of a Jewish Town in Poland, 1969, The Gombin Jewish Historical and Genealogical Society

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